- AutoimmuneHi! My name is Rebecca and I am sick. You’d never believe it (most days) if I didn’t tell you, but I have an autoimmune disease. Why are we so quick to think people have to wear their illnesses on the outside before we believe that they are significant enough to care about? I know… Read more: Autoimmune
- 54321 MethodThis is a grounding techinque to help reduce anxiety in the present moment and in your immediate environment. I often try to add deep breathing in with this as well. Here’s what you can try when you start feeling anxious.- *List five things you can see. Say them out loud and describe them. Take a… Read more: 54321 Method
- High functioning anxietyFive ways to tell if you may have high functioning anxiiety- It’s awfully hard to have a happy and healthy life with these things weighing you down. Try to work on that. Need tips on how to deal with anxiety? Stay tuned. ..
- You are worthyLet’s be honest here. Some of us did not have the best upbringing. Some of us may have had inconsistent homes, or grew up with inconsistent parenting. This can often make insecure kids. And unfortunately that also often leads to insecure adults. Sometimes they have a hard time finding their place in the world. And… Read more: You are worthy
- Time.As a therapist I hear things like, “It’s too late to do XYZ now,” or “If I were younger this is what I’d change in my life,” pretty often. As a human, the thoughts of, “I’m running out of time” scare me to death. Well, I suppose what really scares me is that I’m at… Read more: Time.
> Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness. > –Chuang Tzu I feel like too many people today try…
That is a beautiful introduction! Can’t wait to read more posts. Keep up the great work!
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Exactly. My time table has always been a little behind most, but my decisions have been thoughtful, balanced, and ended…