Let’s be honest here. Some of us did not have the best upbringing. Some of us may have had inconsistent homes, or grew up with inconsistent parenting. This can often make insecure kids. And unfortunately that also often leads to insecure adults. Sometimes they have a hard time finding their place in the world. And some may struggle with finding their place in their own homes.
Some people, myself included, had terrible fathers. So when we think of God as this incredible father, this ultimate, most loving father who will love us unconditionally, it can be hard to fathom. It’s hard to fathom that we have such a loving God that everything bad we’ve ever done can be washed away and forgiven. God can love us unconditionally, yet the father that we have on Earth may have loved you very conditionally, and never lets you out live any mistakes you make.
I am telling you that there is unconditional love out there and that you are worthy of it……just in case you had forgotten.
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